35mm Film

A few Advantages and Disadvantages about Film :
Using a Nikon 35mm film camera I was given the opportunity to take photographs. I had to think about what I wanted to photograph as I only had 12 exposures because we had to share a roll of film between 2. During the time while I was thinking about what I wanted to photograph, Freshers fair was going on which means there was lots of different things going on. There was lots of people, balloons, cotton candy and many more different things. 
After I took my 12 pictures I passed the camera onto the person I was sharing the film with. Once they took their photos we went into the special darkroom to develop our film.
When the film was in the tank we could start to develop the film with developer, stop, fix and wash. After we had done these steps to develop the film which took about 20 minutes, we hung the film up in a special dryer for about 15 minutes. After it had been in dryer we cut the film into strips of 6 as soon I cut the film into strips I put them into a sleeve to keep the film safe. 

- We got taught how to make a contact sheet with the film.  
  • We use a special glass box to put the film in to make the contact sheet with. 
  • I placed the film in the box with a piece of photographic paper to make the contact sheet. 
  • I exposed it for 99 seconds. 
  • This picture is the result of what I made. 

I used the enlarger with the film to make a photogram with one picture. I selected the one picture I thought had the most detail in to enlarge into a photogram. While I had the film camera I was at freshers fair and they were doing glitter tattoos and I got on done. These picture are what I did with the film.


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